I truly appreciate your support of our small family business. I pray the Lord blesses you and your loved ones with wisdom and knowledge to dive deeper into the amazing Word of God.

About Us

Once I started diving into Apologetics…there was no looking back!

I began looking for different items that related to this passion. I had a hard time finding items with the style and message I wanted to convey when it came to the commitment to search for objective truth and the collection of resources supporting that proof.

I decided to create my own and strive to make each item unto the Lord and as an inspiration for others seeking the truth. I also like the opportunity to open up discussions about the truth of the Bible & bring attention to deeper study into the Word

Acts 17 Be a Berean | 1 John 4 Test for Truth

Faith is based on the knowledge of something that actually happened which gave you a reason to trust. In Greek, pistis is the word for faith and it means trust, belief, and assurance.

Because faith is not blind and is based on evidence, we test all things with Scripture. We also look to extra-biblical historical sources that verify what the Bible says.

This is evidential faith.

I truly appreciate your support of our small family business. I pray the Lord blesses you and your loved ones with wisdom and knowledge to dive deeper into the amazing Word of God.

Enjoy your study time with...

  • A specialized bag to hold your most recent study resources
  • A cozy blanket to wrap up in while you study & read
  • A cup with a purpose to keep your coffee or tea just right